The review of books on this site, are my own opinions. I have either bought these books, borrowed these books or been given an advanced reader's copy to review. I never receive any money for my personal reviews.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Plan B by Pete Wilson

This book is about those times in our lives when things don't go as planned. How do we face those challenges and how do we draw from our faith to find answers to some of life's most challenging times. The author writes in an easy to read conversational style. He touches on bible stories and current stories of people he knows. The examples of how Plan B comes into effect are interesting to read and easy to relate to when faced with life's curve balls.
Life doesn't always go the way we planned. Sometimes we need to know that others are going or have gone through similar things that we must face also. It is reassuring to know that we can and will get through the rough spots if we just trust that God knows what He is doing and hasn't abandoned us. Although the book is well written, I have a problem with the simplicity of dealing with life's catastrophes by just believing that God is watching out for us and we just need to trust that He is watching over us and everything is just a part of His plan. Sometimes we just need to face reality and find help for ourselves. Yes, trust in God, but also use whatever resources are available to help you deal with whatever you must face.

Plan B by Pete Wilson was provided to me by Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Carol. It sounds like a good book but I have always felt that God was there to help us-not do the work for us. Maybe the book is just to tell us to relax and let God take care of things in His own way. It got you thinking, didn't it?
